Implementer Forum Task Group
Posted on at By O.C. Astrup
It was decided at the Consortium meeting on September 1, 2021, to establish an Implementer Forum governed by the Consortium. A task group has been established to work out the organisational model of the Implementer Forum including the costs involved.
Implementor Forum Task Group (TG)
The task group (TG) is formed by the following members:
- DNV (Ole Chr. Astrup)
- BV (Huges Moreau)
- Chantiers de l’Atlantique (Toni Bars)
- PROSTEP (Mathias Grau)
- SSI/NDAR (Nick Danese)
- NAPA (Mikko Forss)
The TG had the first meeting on October 19 and discussed the following topics:
- Discuss the two options and agree on a preferred organisational model for the Implementer Forum
- Discuss scaling and efforts (number of models, type of models, test rounds etc.) and associated costs
- IF Use Cases
1. IF organisation
The task group will evaluate two organisational models:
- The IF controlled by the OCX Consortium utilising only own resources
- The IF controlled by the OCX consortium utilising own resources where available and hiring in missing expertise
The Consortium Members clearly stated that the Consortium need to control the IF. PROSTEP made a comment that this is independent of the proposed models. The full control by the Consortium may also be possible if the IF should be run by PROSTEP IVIP, it boils down to who pays the costs. In any case, it was decided at the Full Member meeting that the task group shall evaluate the two alternatives listed above.
2. IF costs
PROSTEP has provided a basis for estimating the IF costs. The spread sheet was shared by e-mail and can be used to evaluate different scaling scenarios and also identify the OCX members in-kind contributions. The TG will provide more details to this cost basis.
The identified IF tasks are:
- Project Management and facilitation (PM)
PR (publish results)
Test Facilitation
Test Documentation
Implementation Guidelines
Test Model Documentation
Test Model Creation
3 Use case definition
This is the most important task for the OCX members to agree on. A use case will define the data exchange scenario and place it in a context where the business value can be identified. The Consortium Members will have to agree on the use cases we want to cover. The TG can discuss and come up with a proposal for the OCX members making the use case selection easier. The classification societies will have to play an important role in defining the use cases. But other use cases outside the scope of classification may also be of value.
One way to define the use cases is to identify the information to be exchanged as this will define the business value and the use scenarios.