OCX, the new, open industry standard for 3D model-based class approval

As the shipping and shipbuilding industry makes great strides in digitalization, there are more opportunities for classification to streamline and…

Implementer Forum Task Group

It was decided at the Consortium meeting on September 1, 2021, to establish an Implementer Forum governed by the Consortium. A task group has been…

OCX Consortum meeting September 1, 2021


DNV gave an orientation about the status of the branding of the OCX consortium and the consortium website, see the presentation slides for the…

27 companies have joined the OCX consortium

A total of 27 companies have signed the OCX consortium agreement, 13 as full members and 14 as observers.

Consortium kick-off meeting February 3, 2021

The consortium kick-off took place on 03.02.2021 as a virtual meeting hosted by DNV. More than 40 participants attended the meeting.