The OCX-IF Interoperability Test Round #1 was kicked off with a hybrid meeting in Hamburg
Posted on at By DNV

The OCX-IF members joined in a two-day hybrid meeting in Hamburg on September 13 and 14 to kick off the first test round to be conducted by the interoperability forum. 13 members participated in person while 10 others joined remotely. The meeting addressed the scope of test round #1, and test models and discussed necessary OCX schema changes. The main focus for test round#1 will be to establish the test process, test quality metrics and necessary OCX schema changes to improve schema quality and precision. With participants from several classification societies and yards and all relevant software vendors, this was quite a successful start managed by Ole Christian Astrup and Mike Polini . The participants agreed on several test cases and format changes, which will be tested in the next months. On the users' side, there is some work ongoing, to embrace the standard for classification work and reduce the number of drawings created purely for that purpose.