The Consortium has published version 3.0 of the OCX Schema
Posted on at By DNV

It is a major milestone for the OCX Consortium to publish its first schema update after taking over ownership from the joint industry project APPROVED.
The new schema version 3.0 release results from 6 months of hard work by the OCX Interoperability Forum.
Governing principles for v3.0
- The main purpose of the schema is the exchange between the designer/yard and classification society
- No major new functionality is added
Objectives of this version
- Extensive cleanup of the schema to make it more precise (optional items are made mandatory and duplicated concepts removed)
- Add a custom property object to provide flexibility
The OCX COnsortium now has the capacity through the OCX Interoperability Forum to drive the evolution of new schema updates ensuring that the OCX schema works as intended and is meeting end-user requirements and fulfilling the schema purpose.